Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What would you like to have our presenters address?

There are many directions our scheduled presenters might address. Please share with us your thoughts on topics and what is on your mind related to hunger and sustainable agriculture. Join the discussion.


Suzanne P said...

The theme of this conference is a complex one. So many factors come to play. Here are just some of my initial questions...

How can the concept of shared responsibility for sustainable food production be integrated among farmers, producers, retailers, consumers through well-designed policy? Both public policy and corporate policy.

What tools can be used to communicate information to consumers about the sustainability profile of foods? How can consumers be helped to make informed choices; to increase demand for sustainably produced food? Is there a role for some form of food labelling?

How can the rising trend for eco-tourism help to boost sustainable agriculture and fisheries and reduce hunger?

How can we better inspire young schoolchildren to appreciate fresh food – its taste, texture, aroma; to enjoy growing their own food; to understand the ethical issues around food waste; to be curious about how other cultures and other nations grow and prepare their foods? What is the role of schools? What is the role of parents? How can we take advantage of the impact and reach of new media?

Stacia Nordin said...

I'm living in Malawi working with School Health and Nutrition. I'd like to see the topic of School 'feeding' covered. I'd like to see an overhaul in this programme to focus on susainable solutions to School Meals. A change in name from 'feeding' which feels like a 'food aid' or dependent term.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting conference topic! I would add these to the other commenters' questions:

What research has been or is being done about how to effectively communicate the tenets of sustainable food production and distribution to people who aren't aware of them or don't understand them? How do we communicate effectively without creating unintended negative perceptions (eg perceptions of elitism, preachiness)?

How can we shape land use policies to protect farmland in suburban and rural areas, and green spaces such as community gardens in urban areas?

Can we work with large corporations to promote sustainable food production? How?

Anonymous said...

Although I will welcome big-picture perspectives from the impressive line-up of presenters, I hope to also gain some practical guidance in terms of simple first steps that can be taken by individuals and families to make food choices that promote sustainability in terms of a basic but solid definition of that term/concept. Said another way, there are many lists of "do's and don'ts" floating around that are supposed to promote food/ag sustainability, but some of the sources (despite being well meaning) are less thoughtful and well-grounded than others. Also, a few "tiers" of guidance would be particularly helpful: e.g., beginning steps, moderate level, full commitment, etc.
Thanks for asking for viewer input, for planning the conference, and for making it so accessible!